
Showing posts from December, 2015

Portfolio Website 3.0 Construction Underway!

It only seems like yesterday since I launched my 2015 version on my animation portfolio website, however for our current business module we have all been asked to create a new website. I decided to use this opportunity to work off my old website and completely overall and restructure it. This is the current state of the index/homepage. I have managed to get the slider all working to the browser size and it also plays videos! Which is super handy. Index/Homepage - Portfolio Website I don't think I will be changing the homepage around much anymore as I think the overall design and layout is pretty much there, maybe a few minor tweaks before the business deadline in February 2016. Now it is all go for the rest of the pages which will follow in suit the same theme as the homepage, with some neat new editions and features. See you on the next one, Adam

Experimenting with some Particles

Hey Folks, Apologies for the delays between blog posts, lately its been hard to get a even balance of work and personal time due to having 5 university projects on the go at the same time. So in between university and free time I decided to have a go at some particle effects using a range of 3D software like Maya Particles, Fume Fx and Krakatoa and then doing some composting in After Effects. It was all quite fun and I really did enjoy fiddling around with settings in After Effects to change how things looked from the original render. Here are some screenshots of what I came up with. 3ds Max Fume Fx Explosion 3ds Max FumeFx Tornado Maya Krakatoa Particles Maya Krakatoa Particles Maya Particles Sword Hopefully I'll have some time over the Christmas break to upload some of these in a video format. Adam