
Showing posts from September, 2012

Keep Calm And...

Just some "Keep Calm And..." work that I've been working on in Illustrator. Going to be printing out some and taking them to the Eurogamer Expo in Earls Court London. :)   Eurogamer soon in London, so I might bring along some with me. See you on the next one, Adam

A Pond and Hills

Here is a painting that I've done in Photoshop a few months back. Its nothing special really, just a Pond and some hills.

Pirate Character - Rough to Clean

I've decided to develope one my Pirate Character Sketches from my previous post ( see here ) Of course, if you want to see these images bigger just click on them.

Talk Like A Pirate Day 2012 - Sketches

Here are some sketches I've done for 'Talk Like A Pirate Day'. Character Sketches: Pirate Sketch: Background Sketches: I plan to combine a background sketch with my pirate character soon.

Puffle Animation - Version 2

I've made some small changes to my previous Puffle Animation to make it run smoother and loop smoother.